
The Magic of Networking

Networking accounts for approximately 87% of business in the market place today. It is a word that is bandied around in daily newspapers, offices and boardrooms. But how do you know if you are networking effectively or if there is room for improvement with your networking style? Networking is in fact a life skill, not just something we do when we want something from someone we know or from a total stranger. The two major keys There are two main keys to successful networking: Give without expectation. Do things for others. Not just to get something back but rather to...
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Hot Tips for Attending Networking Functions

Everyday there are an unlimited number of networking breakfasts, lunches, dinners, seminars, workshops you can go to. Your budget probably determines how many of these you can afford to attend. More often than not, your positive mindset determines the outcomes in attending these functions. Many people arrive at these events stressed, angry, basically not wanting to be there. They do themselves a disservice being there, because all they will attract is negative people like themselves. They are guaranteed to have a miserable time. So how can you maximise these opportunities? Here are ten simple tips: 1.Decide why you want to...
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Hot Tips for Attending Seminars & Conferences

Corporate organisations are spending thousands of dollars every year attending national and international conventions, seminars and conferences. Could they be missing out on valuable networking opportunities at these events purely through lack of planning? Some of the most valuable networking happens in the most informal situations. So, be prepared! Here are a few tips: Prior to the conference: Remember to take plenty of your business cards. If you are running low on cards, order more now, don't be caught short. Check with the organisers, how many people are attending. Work out how many people you assume you will meet and...
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Networking Millennium Style… Making Money for Your Clients

Leading edge organisations, grow their clients businesses at the same time as their own. In the USA, they call it 'revenue enhancement'. Basically it means making money for your clients as well as yourself. Let me assure you, this is definitely non-traditional selling. However, it has a powerful impact on both your bottom line and your clients'. So, how do you do it and more importantly, why would you bother? The why and how The 'why' is very clear-client revenue enhancement will enable you to stand out from all your competitors and create far greater loyalty than any price cut...
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What Do I Say, After I Say, “hello”?

There are lots of people out there who have an absolute terror of talking to strangers. This fear however, is generally totally unfounded. Some arrive at a networking function feeling a little nervous, because they don't know many of the people attending. This often causes them to leave their personality at the venue doorstep. They are unable to start or finish conversations and usually have a miserable time. They leave, vowing never to return and to avoid future networking events at all costs. Comfort zones However, back in their comfort zone, they can express opinions on just about anything and...
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Seven Keys to Developing Strategic Alliances

Whether you operate or are employed by a small or medium sized business, forming strategic alliances can help you get the edge in todays competitive marketplace. So where do we start. How to we take out business from small to medium sized and with whom or to which marketplaces? Some of you may think its all too hard, but that is not necessarily the case. To develop strategic alliances, it pays to consider the following seven keys: SELECT YOUR PARTNERS CAREFULLY Make sure you attract like minded people with similiar values and ethics. Today there are still many "cowboys" in...
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Can You Make the Tough Decisions?

It's okay to make a mistake. Successful people make lots of mistakes - that's why they're successful. Being able to make a decision quickly and comfortably is one of the keys to great leadership and effective networking. Picture yourself at a networking business function, having a conversation with someone who you consider to be "well connected". Spontaneously you are invited to attend a social sailing day, with only a limited number of people invited on the boat. If you are a confident decision maker you possibly asked a few key questions e.g. time of departure and expected return time, would it...
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Are You an Interesting Person?

Off the top of your head, you can probably list the names of 20 people you consider to be interesting...Maybe you could fill a page with names, if you really gave it some thought. What are the characteristics of interesting or charismatic people? Is there any advantage in becoming more interesting? From a networkers perspective, the answer is a most resounding - yes!We all know that people do business with people they know, like and trust. Ask yourself, would you want to spend time with someone who you find interesting or someone who bores you stupid?The answer is obvious. An...
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Walking the Talk

Robyn Henderson has a passion for building relationships and connecting people and with five books under her belt and recognition from the speaking industry she is firmly established as Australia's networking guru. From a background in the hospitality industry and sales, Robyn's speaking career evolved in the early 90s when Robyn worked for a couple of unethical companies who 'over promised and under delivered'. "I realised there was a better way of doing business in the community and thought as a speaker, I could show companies how to do it a better way." Robyn was holding onto a sales manager...
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B2B – Beyond Business Cards to Actual Business

The number one reason many people don’t convert business cards into business is – they never follow up!Effective systems make or break good networkers. Master networking goes way beyond just giving out business cards. Granted this is one of the first steps in actually making new contacts – but returning to your office with 15 business cards after attending a Chamber of Commerce meeting, is totally useless unless you do something with them.Consider the cost, door to door, for you to attend this event. Calculate the number of hours from when you left your office or home to the actual...
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Selling Yourself Well Makes Good Business Sense

Article by Pam Kershaw (The Sydney Morning Herald) It's a familiar scenario in small business right now - clients cutting budgets, canceling orders, pruning back projects. You need to find new business, but where do you start? Cold calling and cold emailing area waste of time, according to networking specialist Robyn Henderson, of Networking to Win. A better strategy is to build your visibility, create alliances and generate referral opportunities by sharpening your networking skills. But networking is not about attending an industry event with "D for desperate" stamped on your forehead, nor scanning name tags so you can immediately...
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Are Your Strategic Alliances Working for You?

By Robyn Henderson Strategic alliances are definitely becoming a competitive advantage in this tight economic market. Let’s clarify the difference between a strategic alliance and networking. The basis of networking is giving without expectation – doing something for someone not to get something back – but because you want to help someone achieve what they want. It may be a tiny piece of information to you – but a very relevant piece of information for that person. You make a decision to share the information not expecting anything in return. No money exchanges hands, you share the information and that...
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Conversation Skills -600 Words

WHAT DO I SAY AFTER I SAY HELLO? by ROBYN HENDERSON Mastering the art of conversation can help you to become a more effective networker. Many people have an absolute fear of talking to strangers and this fear is generally unfounded. When some people arrive at a networking function, they may feel a little nervous because they don’t know many people attending. For some its as if they leave their personality at the venue doorstep. They are unable to start or finish conversations and usually have a miserable time. They leave vowing to never return and avoid those networking events...
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Everybody is a Somebody, Somewhere

Don’t just focus on the BIG KAHUNA! Mastering the gentle art of conversation can help you avoid trade expo disasters and set sales records Picture this scenario: You have blown your budget on your trade display, had thousands of brochures printed, CDs burned, updated your website, have a full compliment of national staff flown in for the expo, and on day two, you still haven’t taken your first order! What is happening – or rather is not happening? Many networkers and sales people would love potential buyers and prospects to wear signs saying, “My name is John Smith and I...
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Help! Where Will I Find My Next Client

And where can I go to meet lots of potential clients? As a Registered Exercise Professional this question does not have a one size fits all answer. Because . . . . .. it depends: Which networks are your current clients and prospects attending? Which networks are your peers and competitors attending? What is the best time/day of the week for you to network? Why do you want to attend a networking event? And if you are not sure of the answer to 1 and 2, go along and find out for yourself – or ask your clients where they...
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How to Network Your Way to Your Next Promotion or Client

It’s not what you know – its who knows what you know! Why do we continue to see the same names popping up on boards throughout Australia and New Zealand? What do these people know, that the people wanting to secure board seats don’t know? Is there a shortage of opportunities? Well you only have to read the financial pages to see the highs and lows of board members and chairmen alike., One thing for sure and certain, is that you have to be visible, a strong decision maker, be prepared to make the tough calls and undergo public scrutiny....
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How to Set Up a Mastermind Group From Scratch

1 + 1 = 11 – THE POWER OF MASTERMIND GROUPS By Robyn Henderson One of the biggest challenges you may face in your home based business is the shortage of people to bounce ideas around with. Particularly if you have previously worked in large organizations surrounded by mates and co-workers, the isolation factor can at times be crippling. And if child minding is part of your daily duties, then you may have already found that a 4 year old has no concept of the potential distribution market for your latest brainwave idea. Lets look at a possible solution to...
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Is Complacency Crippling Your Valuable Networks and Client Base?

You thought you had a strong relationship with a client, once you had developed over a few years. Now you hear they have moved to a competitor, resulting in a significant drop in income for your business – what happened? You make several calls to a key contact in your network, and the calls go unanswered without explanation. What are some of the signs of complacency? Successful organizations are at far greater risk of becoming complacent than a new kid on the block who is hungry, scratching for business and grateful of any and all new clients – who they...
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Is It Time for a Networking Audit?

With Robyn Henderson Is your net working for you or is it time to review your network? The busier we get the less time we seem to have to maintain our networks. As we dash from one meeting to another, one networking event to a family dinner, one rushed haircut to another children’s party – we sometimes feel that we are juggling way too many things. And if we think that, we are probably right! It’s time for a networking audit! Somewhere in that busy diary, blackberry or schedule – we need to allocate at least 2 free hours for...
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It’s OK to Ask for Help

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to grow their business or their career, is to avoid at all costs asking for help.So if asking for help is the most obvious way to solve a problem, why do many people resist to the point of failing themselves, rather than take that perceived gigantic step?Would fear possibly contribute to their dilemma? Fear of being indebted tosomeone, fear of looking or sounding stupid by not knowing how to do something in the first place. And even frustration that although they consider themselves to be a smart, intelligent person...
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